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we're not dead yet...
posted on Monday, May 23, 2005 at 7:43 PM by GeMakie

First of all, if anybady still checks up on this space, sorry for the long gap in the updates.
I have however been working localy on and off, trying to work out idea's etc. and I might have found somthing that could solve the graphical part of a comic (which would mainly leave the lazy me problem :o) )
what I've been thinking about is to make a 3d comic.. basicaly, instead of drawing, I would just make, position and render it in 3d, then move the render to photoshop, add text and hope it turns out beter than my hand drawn stuff.
I'm however still working on the basic stuff tho, like figuring out storyline, making basic designs, making more advanced designed with details etc.
here's a 3 render preview of one of the possible ships tho.
it's just a basic form with some colors added right now, so don't get your hopes up to high...

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