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making a break...
posted on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 at 5:32 PM by Garion Maki

I'm temporarly freezing the comic...
I'm gone take a step back, see what direction I can take the comic and see if I still want to draw a comic...
curently, I've been quickly drawing a comic every night for three days on a row, and since I had a detailed script for those comics, it wasen't to hard, but at the moment, my detailed script ran out, the big script is not helping much, and I'm not having much fun drawing a comic in a hurry, which results in badly looking results (well... worse then on the other days :p )

for the next days/weeks, no comic... but if I manage to make up my mind, I'll let you know :D
untill then, I'll be checking on the shoutbox and the forum regulary, so tell me what you think I should do :p

garion maki
aka Pieter Leon

(btw, drawing (good) comics is harder than I thought :p grats to all the other artists who can keep up the drawing :p )

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about climbing, tired muscles and a empty comic buffer...
posted on Saturday, September 11, 2004 at 10:30 PM by Garion Maki

not really comic related... but still a bit in the end :)

I went climbing for the first time today... and, while it was fun, it was exhausting for somebody as out of shape as me ( the only exercise I get is running up the stairs after getting some more to drink after the computer :p )

Now, you should also know that the buffer for the comic ran dry today, so I defiantly had to make some more comics and upload at least one today :D so, I drew it last nigh, inked it today with unsteady hands from the climbing and managed to get it uploaded a few minutes ago... but that is still only 1 comic... so tomorrow, I need to make another one :p

Not that I mind or anything :p it’s just, that I really am a bit lazy, and should have boosted the buffer before the weekend :D but hell, got to keep life exciting ;)
Btw, first action shots coming up ;)

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just made the deadline again :) and a sneak preview
posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 at 8:54 PM by Garion Maki

I just finished uploading the next 3 comics, since the buffer had ran empty again...
so you can be shure of comics for the next 3 days ;)

on another note, the name of the ship will be in the comic that get's published the 7th :)
but if your curious, I also updated some info on this site to show that name, so if you search a bit, you can find it before than :D

anyway... I can now be lazy for another 3 days while I think of some more script for the next comics :o)
realy need to get a 20+ buffer soon™

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first milestone...
posted on Thursday, September 02, 2004 at 11:59 AM by Garion Maki

the comic that got published today is the 10th comic so far :)
kind of a milestone don't you think ;p

let's hope there will be plenty more in the future :D

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